Looking for tattoo advice? Want to get in touch? Got an opinion? Need help choosing a design? Feel free to fill in the form below or check this page for more details.
We’re happy to assist with whatever you need. However, please read the following before reaching out:
- We receive a lot of messages, so please be patient if we don’t reply right away.
- Try to keep your questions focused—one or two specific questions are much easier for us to answer.
- No, we don’t know why your tattoo artist canceled on you or how to fix a botched design. For those issues, it’s best to reach out directly to your artist or shop.
- If you’re simply asking for “the best tattoo design,” we’ll likely direct you to one of our articles. But asking whether we’d pick Design A or Design B is totally fine!
- SEO services? Linkback requests? No thanks—we’re set. And to the guy who offered to buy our site for $500, thanks, but we’re good.
- We’re not interested in app development, blog-writing offers, or web design services. If we need these, and you’re awesome, we’ll find you.
- A quick “thank you” if we’ve helped you goes a long way—we appreciate it more than you know!
Please note:
- We don’t sell tattoo designs or gear. We also can’t recommend local artists in your area.
- BIG DISCLAIMER: We offer advice and opinions only. We aren’t responsible for anything that happens after you follow our suggestions. If you end up unhappy with a design or have any other issue, that’s on you, even if you followed our advice. By emailing us, you agree to this.
Lastly, please don’t email us to argue if our opinions differ from your favorite tattoo blog. We have our own views and, while we’re happy to discuss them, we won’t change our stance just because other sites disagree.